[영어 어휘 암기법]
(* 참고!! 이 방법은 정형적인 방법이 아니고 걘적으로 해 본 방법 중 가장 잘 기억되는 방법임을 알립니다. 그리고 어떻게 보면 정말 원시적인 방법일수도 있으니 정말 말그대로 참고만 하시길..)
사람들이 어휘공부를 하면서 가장 실패하는 방법 중에 하나가 연습장이 터질또록 가득채우는 방법인데요, 저역시 몇년동안 주구장창 그렇게 외웠던 사람입니다. 하지만.. 지금은 머리속에 있는게.. 그저 팔뚝살 늘리는대만 보탬이 되더군요. ^^;
근데, 최근에는 방법을 달리해서 하루에 약 50~100개 정도 분량을 정하고 단어와 뜻을 1번부터 50번(또는 100번)까지 지루해도 쉬지않고 5번을 연속해서 소리내어 읽습니다. 물론 도서관에서는 입속으로 중얼거리듯이요.. 그 다음엔, 해당 단어의 뜻 또는 단어만 미리 출력하거나 적어놓은 곳에 쉬지않고 적어내려갑니다. 그렇게 읽기 5번, 안보고 써보기 5번 하니까 마지막에 4~5번째 테스트하듯이 적어보니까 많이 틀려야 1~2개 더군요.
도움이 될지는 모르겠지만 여러분께서도 이런방법 한번 해보시기 바래요~ ^^
아래에 토익이 좋아하는 필수 500단어도 올릴께요~ 한번 직접 해보세요!!
[토익이 좋아하는 필수 500단어]
ability: 능력 (_____ to speak fluently)
absenteeism: 결근* (repeated ____ )
access: 접근권한* (have ____ to)
accessible: 접근이 가능한 (make it ___ to someone)
accommodate: 수용하다* (____ a large party)
accompanied: 동반된* (unless ____ by an adult)
accomplished: 성공한 (an _____ musician)
accordance: 부합 (in ____ with)
accordingly: 상응하여*
account: 계좌 (a checking _____)
accrue: 적립하다. (_____ interest; ____ sick leave credits)
accurately: 정확히 (_____ account for)
acknowledge: 인정하다
acquisition: 인수 (= take-over)
additional: 추가적인* (at an ____ cost)
adequately: 적절히 (must be ____ wrapped)
adopt: 채택하다 (______ a new method)
advances: 발전* (The ____ in medical technology)
advantage: 유리한 점 (take ____ of)
advertisement: 광고 (an ______)
advice: 충고 (give an _____)
affect: 영향을 끼치다.* (will ____ the outcome)
affix: 부착하다.* (____ the label)
affordable: 저렴한* (at an _____ rate)
agenda: 안건 (a printed ____)
agreement: 동의 (reach an ______)
aggressively: 적극적으로 (____ pursue)
aim: 목표 (with the ____ of)
aimed: 겨냥한 (sports gear ____ at young teenagers)air-tight: 꽉 닫힌 (_____ container)
allocate: 할당하다* (____ the resources)
allow: 허용하다 (____ 사람 to 부정사)
already: 벌써 (have ____ arrived in time for)
alternative: 대안/대체* (feasible _____s to fossil fuels; an _____ plan)
analysis: 분석 (the final _____)
announcement: 발표 (make an _____)
annual: 연례의 (_____ conference)
apparel: 의상
appliance: 기기 (home ____)
applicable: 적용되는* (____ sales tax)
applicant: 지원자
application: 지원(서)
apply: 지원하다, 적용되다 (The term was applied to)
appointment: 예약 (make an _______)
appraisal: 감정, 평가* (performance ______)
appreciation: 감사 (showed their ____ for)
apprehension: 불안감 (___ among the employees)
appropriately: 적절하게* (should dress _____ for the occasion)
approval: 승인* (the final ____)
approximately: 대략 (in ____ one hour)
arbitration: 중재 (_____ began)
argumentative: 논쟁적인 (became _____)
arrangement: 사전 준비 (make an _____)
assignment: 과제 (give an ______)
assistant: 비서, 보조 (an ____ to)
association: 연합 (in ____ with)
attached: 부착된* (the ____ form)
attendance: 참석* (the poorest ______ record)
attendant: 접대원 (a flight ____)
attendee: 참석자
attire: 의상* (formal _____; professional _____)
audit: 감사 (receive an _____)
authority: 권위자 (the authority in the field)
authorization: 허가 (with written _____)
automated: 자동화된* (the ____ assembly line)
available: 주어진, 쓸 수 있는 (is readily _____ upon request)
awards: 상 (_____ ceremony)
barely: 겨우 (with _____ eight weeks left)
barring: 제외하면 (_____ extreme fluctuations)
beautification: 미화* (city ______ project)
benefits: 혜택 (_____ package; salary and _____)
boost: 활성화하다 (____ sales of the product)
branch: 지사 (____ office)
breakage: 파손 (to prevent any _____)
broaden: 넓히다 (____ the research into a few areas)
brochure: 소책자 (a very informative and interesting ______)
budget: 예산 (_____ proposal)
cancellation: 취소 (is subject to ______)
candidate: 후보 (the most qualified _____)
cash: 현금화하다 (_____ a check)
capable: 능력 있는 (_____ of)
capacity: 용량* (storage ______)
caution: 주의/주의를 주다 (with ______; must _____ young students)
cautiously: 신중하게* (_____ optimistic)
certain: 확실한 (X make certainly that)
certificate: 증서 (a _____ of authenticity)
chemical: 화학(품) (X chemist producing company)
child-proof: 어린이 안전용 (_____ safety lock)
choice: 선택한 것 (your ____ of soup)
cite: 인용하다. (____ employee satisfaction as)
clear: 맑은 (on a ____ day)
closer: 더욱 더 정밀한 (upon _____ examination)
cognizant 인식하는 (be _____ of)
collaborate: 협력하다. (_____ on)
collate: 대조하다 (_____ their thoughts)
collection: 소장품, 수집품* (museum ______; ceramic tile collection)
collectively: 집합적으로
commensurate: 비례하는 (remuneration ____ with their experience)
commercial: 방송광고
commitment: 서약, 책임감 (a lack of ______)
commodity: 기초 물품 (____ prices)
commuter: 통근자
comparable: 비교할 만한 (____ to)
comparison: 비교 (in ____ with: 비교하여)
compatible: 호환성 있는 (____ with)
compensate: 보상하다 (____ for the injury)
competition: 경쟁(사)
complacent: 게으른 (become _____)
complimentary: 무료의 (____ light breakfast)
complex: 복잡한; 시설단지 (a ____ process; sports ____)
comply: 순응하다 (____ with the building codes)
comprehensive: 종합적인 (a _____ guide to the region)
concerning: ~에 관한
concurrently: 동시에 (The product and packaging are ____ developed)
condense: 압축하다, 요약하다. (____ the book/file into)
confident: 확신 있는 (____ in)
confidentiality: 기밀 (______ agreement)
confirmation: 확인 (written ______)
confiscate: 압수하다. (____ the stolen property)
conjunction: 결합 (in _____ with)
conscious: 의식하는 (____ of)
consecutively: 연속적으로
consent: 동의 (with a written _____)
considerable: 상당한 (_____ amount)
consistently: 지속적으로*
consult: 조회하다. (Please, ______ the product manual)
contact: 연락하다. (Please, ______ the customer service center)
continually: 계속 (are _____ dumping pollutants)
contribution: 공헌, 기부금 (make ____ to)
control: 통제 (beyond ______: 어쩔 수 없는)
convenience: 편의 (for your ______)
cooperatively: 협조하여 (work ______)
cordially: 진심으로 (You are ____ invited)
correspondence: 서신 연락 (the business _____ on this matter)
corrosion: 부식 (resistant to ______)
cost-effective: 저렴한* (____ method)
costly: 값 비싼 (a ____ item)
coverage: 적용, 보도 (media _____; insurance ______)
conveyed: 전달된 (The information should be ________ to)
criticism: 비평 (sharp ______)
currently: 현재 (is ____ under construction)
custody: 구금 (taken into _____)
damaged: 파손된 (____ luggage)
dedicated: 헌신적인; 전용이 (a ____ worker; ____ telephone lines)
dedication: 헌신
defects: 결함
defiance: 대항하여 (in ____ of)
defy: 배반하다 (____ description: 형용할 수 없는)
demand: 수요 (much _____ for cars; ___ for seats at the seminar)
demanding: 까다로운 (an overly _____ supervisor)
demoralized: 사기가 저하된. (employees were very _______)
deposit: 입금, 예치금 (security ____: 보증금; make a _____)
description: 설명, 묘사 (for more extensive _____ of the product)
designated:지정된 (____ seats: 지정석)
desirous: 갈망하는 (is _____ of)
detailed: 상세한 (for more ____ information)
deteriorating: 약화되는 (deteriorating conditions)
development: 개발 (all phases of project _______)
differently: 다르게 (____ colored patterns)
dignitary: 유명인사 (the local ____)
dilute: 희석시키다
discretion: 판단 (at the ____ of)
disperse: 흩어지다 (_____ the crowd/population)
diversify: 다각화하다 (The conglomerate decided to ______)
divided: 나눠진 (is ____ into)
dividends 수익 배당금 (paying _____ on its common stock.
division: 부서* (automobile _____)
donate: 기부하다 (____ money/blood)
dramatically: 급격히* (increase ______)
drape: 천으로 덮다 (_____ the table)
duplicate: 사본 2통 (in _____)
durable: 내구성 있는 (_____ goods; a very ____ material)
effect: 효과, 효력 (come/go into _____)
efficiently: 효율적으로* (as ______ as possible)
effective: 효과적인 (an ___ sales campaign)
effort: 노력 (in an ____ to)
electronically: 이메일로, 전신으로 (sent ______)
eligible: 자격이 되는 (be _____ to 부정사; be ______ for 명사)
emphasis: 강조 (place an ____ on)
enable: 가능하게 하다* (____ A to 부정사)
enclosed: 동봉된, 지붕이 덮인 (The shopping center is _____)
endangered: 멸종위기의 (_____ species)
engraved: 새겨진 (A watch ____ with your intials)
enhance: 향상시키다
entitled: 자격이 되는 (____ to 명사)
enthusiasm: 열정 (with such _____ that)
equip: 설치하다* (A with B)
escort: 수행하다 (She will ____ you to ~)
estimated: 예상되는 (the _____ time of arrival)
exactly: 정확히 (to decide _____)
exception: 예외 (with the ______ of)
exceptional: 이례적인 (show an _____ job performance)
excitedly: 흥분되어 (spoke _____ about)
exclusively: 전적으로, 제한적으로 (_____ for today's busy executives)
existing: 기존에 있는 (make use of the ____ facilities)
expansion: 확장 (business ______ plan)
expansive: 광범위한* (an _____ view of the landscape)
expectation: 기대하는 바* (The _____ is that S+V)
expedite: 신속화하다 (to ____ the handling of your call)
expense: 비용 (at the owner's _____)
experience: 경험하다 (If you ____ any problem with)
expiration: 만기, 만료 (the _____ date)
exposure: 노출 (too much ____ to sunlight)
extend: 연장하다 (____ the deadline)
extensively: 대대적으로 (was _____ renovated)
extinction: 멸종 (are in danger of ______)
extremely: 극도로 (be ____ careful)
evacuate: (건물 등을) 비우다, 대피하다
e-valuation: 평가 (_____ card; course _____s)
eventually: 결국에는 (will _____ need to be modernized)
fabric: 천 (a soft ____)
faced: 직면된 (Faced with)
factions: 당파들 (split into a number of rival _____)
familiarize: 익숙하게 하다 (familiarize A with B)
fascinated: 매혹된 (with)
favorable: 유리한 (____ weather condition)
favorably: 우호적으로 (has bee received _____)
feats: 위업들
feature: 특징, 기능, 특별히 선보이다. (will ____ a report on)
finally: 결국* (have ____ been)
findings: 발견한 사실들 (was consistent with his findings)
finished: 완성된 (the _____ product)
fiscal: 회계의 (____ year; ____ responsibility)
fitness: 헬스 (physical _____ program)
flexibility: 융통성, 유연성 (X the flexible of)
focus: 초접을 맞추다 (will ____ our study on~)
forecast: 전망 (a long-term economic _____; the local weather _____)
formal: 공식의 (____ dinner)
forfeit: 몰수당하다
foreseeable: 내다보이는 (in the _____ future)
fortunate: 행운의
foster: 육성하다 (___ good relations between A and B)
freshness: 신선함* (retain _____ and flavor)
further: 추후의, 추가적인 (until ____ notice)
gauge: 측정하다 (____ the reaction of the consumers)
gratuity: 팁 (standard _____)
grandeur: 웅장함 (former _____)
guidelines: 지침사항들 (within the _____)
handle: 다루다 (cannot ____ the workload)
hardly: 거의 ~하지 않는다. (He ____ ever comes to the meeting)
hazardous: 위험한 (is ____ to your health)
heavily: 많이 (rely ____ on; will rain ____ tomorrow)
hesitantly: 우물쭈물 (rather _____)
highly: 매우 (____ competitive market; ____ successful careers)
honor: 명예 (in ___ of)
identification:신분 (two forms of proper _____)
immediate: 직속 (______ supervisor)
imperative: 중요한* (It is ____ that S+동사원형)
implement: 실행하다. (will _____ changes)
improve: 개선시키다. (_____ customer relations)
inaugurate: 개시하다* (____ the route between A and B)
incidental: 부가적인 (_____ expenses)
inconvenience: 불편한 것 (what is seen as _____ by one culture)
inclement: 매서운 (_____ weather)
incompetent: 무능한 (an ____ employee)
inconsistent: 불일치의 (is _____ with)
increasingly: 점점 더
indicated: 명시된, 표시된 (as _____ on the chart)
indication: 표시, 징표 (a good _____ of)
inform: 통보하다
informative: 교육적인* (is both _____ and interesting)
informed: 박식한* (____ decision; _____ readers)
inherently: 본질적으로 (_____ risky business)
initial: 약식서명하다 (should _____ the time cards)
initiative: 솔선수범 (take the _____)
innovative: 혁신적인 (a fresh and _____ idea)
insert: 삽입하다. (___ your card into the electronic reader)
install: 설치하다
installments: 할부 (금액) (three easy monthly ______)
intended: 의도된 (is ____ for publication)
interested: 관심이 있는 (be ______ in)
interpretation: 해석 (the _____ of the authorities in the field)
interfere: 방해하다* (Dust can ____ with)
involved: 관여된* (____ in)
irrelevant: 무관한 (is ____ to us)
itinerary: 일정 (travel _____)
juvenile: 미성년의 (a _____ crime)
labor: 노동; 일하다 (who ____ed outdoors)
lag: 처지다; 지체 (____ behind the schedule; suffering from a jet ___)
largely: 주로 (due ____ to)
lasting: 지속되는 (leave a _____ impression; have a ____ effect on))
launch: 시작하다 (____ a new sales campaign)
lawsuit: 소송 (to file a ______)
lax: 느슨한 (be ____ in)
lease: 임대하다* (____ a car)
level: 단계, 위치 (he rose to the ____ of the vice president)
likely: 확률이 있는* (it is _____ that; is ___ to)
limited: 제한된 (for a _____ time only)
live: 생방송의 (a ____ broadcast)
local: 지역의 (____ production; ____ high school)
locally: 지역적으로 (prefer to hire _____ than ~ overseas)
lucrative: 수익성이 있는 (a highly _____ business)
mandatory: 필수적인
maintenance: 유지관리 (a regular ____ schedule)
malfunction: 고장 (due to a mechanical ____)
mandatory: 필수의
marginal: 적은 양의 (there is only ____ interest in)
maximum: 최대량 (at the ______; ____ security)
means: 수단 (the preferred ____ of travel; by ____ of)
memoirs: 회고록 (published his ______)
merged: 합병된 (Once _____)
minimum: 최소량 (a ____ of)
misplaced: 잘못 두어진
missing: 분실된, 실종된 (____ luggage; _____ child)
modification: 수정 (make the necessary ______)
monopoly: 독점 (has a ____ on)
monitor: 감시하다 (should ____ the progress of each employee)
mounting: 가중되는 (____ pressure from the public)
mural: 벽화 (the _____ on the wall)
mutually: 상호간에 (reach a _____ beneficial solution)
narrow: 좁히다 (____ down the list of candidates to three)
needs: 욕구 (meet the _____)
negotiations: 협상들 (_____ are under way)
neutrality: 중립성 (her ______ was called into question)
nominate: 공천하다
normal: 정상의 (during the ____ business hours)
notice: 공고, 알아채다.* (X notify the paintings on the wall)
notification: 통보
notify: 통보하다* (___ A of B; ___ A that S+V)
numerous: 수많은 (____ attempts have been made)
objective: 목표 (the _____ of)
observance: 준수 (in _____ of the national holiday)
observe:준수하다 (___ the "no-smoking" sign:금연사인을 지키다)
offer: 제안, 특별 가격 제안 (a promotional _____)
onset: 시작하는 시접 (at the ____ of the game)
openings: 빈 자리 (job _____)
opposing: 상반된 (the ____ point of view)
optimistic: 낙관적인* (is _____ that S+V)
outfit: 의복 (put on a new ____)
outstanding: 뛰어난; 미지급된 (_____ qualifications; an ____ debt)
overcome: 극복하다 (____ this temporary difficulty)
overdue: 연체된 (The library book was 5 days _____)
overhead: 머리 위의 *(the ______ compartment)
participate: 참가하다 (___ in)
participation: 참여 (the _____ of each member)
particularly: 유난히 (are _____ small)
parties: 당사자들 (all interested _____ should contact)
perfect: 완벽한, 최적의 (is the _____ setting for)
periodical: 정기간행물 (____ section)
permit: 허가증 (To purchase a parking _____)
personal: 개인의 (_____ checks)
personally: 개인적으로 (The president ____ welcomed)
persuasively: 설득력 있게 (present arguments ______)
phase: 단계 (at the last _____ of the construction)
portion: 부분, 몫 (this ____ of the city)
potential: 가능한; 가능성 (______ customers/bidders; a full ______)
precipitation: 강수 (temperature and _____ data)
preclude: 사전에 막다
predict: 예상하다 (X many predicts)
premium: 할증금 (insurance _____)
prescription: 처방 (fill the _____)
present: 주다 (will ____ a plaque and a check to)
presiding: 주재하는 (the _____ officer/judge)
presumably: 추측컨대
pre-valent: 널리 퍼진 (once so _____ in this province)
primarily: 주로 (made ____ of plastic)
print: 인쇄 (out of ____:절판된)
priority: 우선순위 (the highest ______)
procedure: 절차 (X the required procedural)
proceeding: 진행되다 (The work was ____ as scheduled)
processing: 처리 (for _____ processing)
procrastinate: 게으름을 피우다.
production: 생산(량) (good _____ facilities)
productivity: 생산성 (employee ______)
prohibited: 금지된
promotion: 승진 (He received a ______)
promptly: 신속히 (must be answered _____)
properly: 올바르게 (must be ____ aligned; to function _____)
prospective: 잠재 (_______ buyer/client/customer)
prosperity: 번영 (in times of _____)
protective: 보호용 (____ clothing; ____ equipment)
provide: 제공하다 (A with B)
provision: 대비 (make ____ for)
proxy: 대리인 (You can send your _____ instead)
punitive: 징벌의 (in _____ damages)
qualified: 자격이 되는 (is the better ____ of the two; ____ applicants)
quality: 품질 (____ control: 품질관리)
quarterly: 사분기의 (the _____ earnings report)
raise: 인상(하다); 제기하다 (a pay ____; ___ questions about)
rarely: 거의 ~ 못하다 (____ has the situation been~)
reach: 도달하다 (____ an agreement)
realistically: 현실적으로 (cannot _____ expect)
readily:기꺼이 (___ available: 기꺼이 사용 가능한)
recall: 회수 (issue a ____ notice)
recently: 최근에 (according to a ____ issued government report)
reception: 접대 (at the ______ )
recommendation: 추천 (on the _____ of)
reference: 참조 (in ____ to)
redeemable: 상환 가능한
reduction: 감소* (cost _____)
reference: 참고, 추천 (in _____ to; a letter of ______)
refund: 환불 (a ___ refund: 전액환불)
regarding: ~에 관한
regretably: 후회스럽게도 (we must ____ inform you that S+V)
regular: 정규의 (____ banking hours)
reimbursement: 배상 (request a _____ for; monthly _____)
request: 요구* (All ____ must be made)
required: 필수의 (a ____ tax doc-ument)
released: 발표된 (a recently released press report)
reliable: 믿을 만한* (is completely _____)
remainder: 나머지 (for the ____ of the month)
remittance: 송금 (a _____ slip)
remuneration: 보상, 보수 (will give some _____ to)
rendered: 되다 (was ____ useless)
repair: 수리(하다) (the cost of _____)
replace: 교체하다 (A with B)
relatively: 상대적으로 (_____ speaking,)
required: 필수의 (the ____ tax doc-uments)
reservation: 예약 (make a ____)
resignation: 사임 (the _____ of the personnel director)
respect: 존중심* (with _____)
respond: 응답하다 (_____ promptly to the client's request)
response: 응답 (in _____ to)
responsibility: 책임* (environmental and social ______)
responsive: 반응을 보이는 (is ____ to)
restore: 재건하다, 복원되다 (____ to its original condition)
result: 결과 (as a ____ of)
retirement: 은퇴 (a _____ party/banquet; early ______)
retrie-val: 복구 (the information _____ system)
reveal: 공개하다 (reveal a strong preference for)
revenues: 수입 (tax ____ over three years)
revised: 개정된* (_____ edition; _____ premium rate)
revolution: 혁명 (caused a ______; a cultural ____)
rich: 풍부한 (a ____ source of information)
rise: 상승; 상승하다 (the ____ in the oil price; on the ____)
risk: 위험률 (run a ____ of; ___ premium 위험수당)
rival: 경쟁자; 경쟁상대의
salary: 급여 (____ history: 연봉 경력)
satisfaction: 만족* (customer ______)
satisfactory: 만족스런 (a ____ excuse/outcome)
savings: 저축 (____ banks)
scrutinize: 면밀히 조사하다 (_____ the vase)
securely: 안전하게* (must be _____ fastened/anchored)
seldom: 거의 ~않는다. (He ____ comes to the regular meeting)
selection: 엄선된 것들 (includes only a _____ of those retailers who)
separately: 따로 (Each lens is made _____)
service: 서비스* (customer _____ desk)
settlement: 합의 (finally reached a ______)
severely: 심하게 (will be _____ reprimanded for)
share: 몫, 주식, 점유율 (market _____)
significantly: 상당히 (increased ______)
simply: 단순히 (_____ too few; ____ fill out the enclosed form)
skilled: 숙련된 (a ____ labor)
slightly: 약간 (is ____ higher than)
sophisticated: 정교한 (a _____ equipment)
speeding: 과속 (was ticketed for _____)
specific: 구체적인 (for more _____ information)
spending: 지출 (the development ______)
sponsor: 후원자; 후원하다
stable: 안정적인 (remained _____)
staff: 스탭진 (X all staffs)
standards: 기준 (safety _____)
stir: 휘젓다 (thoroughly ____ the mixture)
stock: 물량 (out of ____)
stockholder: 주주 (the company's _____)
strategic: 전략적인 (a _____ objective of the company)
strategy: 전략 (a creative advertising ___; an effective marketing ___)
streamline: 간소화하다.
striking: 놀라운 (_____ difference between them)
strongly: 강력히 (it is _____ recommended that S+V)
subject:* 가능한* (is ____ to change)
subscription: 구독 cf. subscribe to ~에 구독하다.
substantial: 상당한 (a ____ amount of)
successful: 성공적인 (X to highly successive careers)
sufficiently: 충분히
superior: 월등한 (is ____ to)
sure: 확실한* (X make surely that)
surprise: 놀람 (taken by ____)
surprisingly: 놀랍게도 (is ____ low in fat)
surrounding: 둘러싼* (in the ______ area)
suspicious 의심하는 (be _____ of)
tax: 세금 (sales ____ on)
telecommunications: 정보통신 (______ industry)
tentative: 임시의 (discussing a _____ agreement)
temporarily: 일시적으로 (was ____ suspended; is ____ closed)
terms: 용어들 (in the strongest possible ____)
timely: 적기의 (in a ____ manner)
toll: 요금 (____ collection: 요금 징수)
transaction: 거래 (was charged for each ____)
transcribe: 받아 적다 (had her ____ the minutes)
transfer: 전근 (put in for a _____: 전근을 신청하다)
transferable: 양도 가능한 (The tickets are not _____ to)
unanimous: 만장일치의 (a ____ support/decision)
unbiased: 편견 없는 (an ____ opinion/advice)
understanding: 이해심이 많은 (for being so ______)
updated: 개정된 (____ report/edition/manual)
unlimited: 무제한의 (____ mileage/access)
unoccupied: 차지된 (remained ______)
unusually: 이례적인 (____ high staff turnover)
user-friendly: 사용이 편리한 (_____ computer software)
vacant: 비어 있는 (X vacancy lot)
valuables: 귀중품 (Do not leave any ______ unattended)
vary: 다양하게 변하다. (the results may _____ depending on~)
varied: 다양한
ventilation: 환기 (good ______)
vested: 기득의 (___ interest: 기득권)
voluntarily: 자원해서
waiver: 면제 (request a _____)
wane: 쇠퇴 (on the _____)
warranty: 보증 (comes with a limited five-year ______)
willing: 의지가 있는 (is ____ to help; ____ to buy)
workload: 업무량 (a heavy _____)
written: 서면 상의 (a ____ confirmation/notification)
absenteeism: 결근* (repeated ____ )
access: 접근권한* (have ____ to)
accessible: 접근이 가능한 (make it ___ to someone)
accommodate: 수용하다* (____ a large party)
accompanied: 동반된* (unless ____ by an adult)
accomplished: 성공한 (an _____ musician)
accordance: 부합 (in ____ with)
accordingly: 상응하여*
account: 계좌 (a checking _____)
accrue: 적립하다. (_____ interest; ____ sick leave credits)
accurately: 정확히 (_____ account for)
acknowledge: 인정하다
acquisition: 인수 (= take-over)
additional: 추가적인* (at an ____ cost)
adequately: 적절히 (must be ____ wrapped)
adopt: 채택하다 (______ a new method)
advances: 발전* (The ____ in medical technology)
advantage: 유리한 점 (take ____ of)
advertisement: 광고 (an ______)
advice: 충고 (give an _____)
affect: 영향을 끼치다.* (will ____ the outcome)
affix: 부착하다.* (____ the label)
affordable: 저렴한* (at an _____ rate)
agenda: 안건 (a printed ____)
agreement: 동의 (reach an ______)
aggressively: 적극적으로 (____ pursue)
aim: 목표 (with the ____ of)
aimed: 겨냥한 (sports gear ____ at young teenagers)air-tight: 꽉 닫힌 (_____ container)
allocate: 할당하다* (____ the resources)
allow: 허용하다 (____ 사람 to 부정사)
already: 벌써 (have ____ arrived in time for)
alternative: 대안/대체* (feasible _____s to fossil fuels; an _____ plan)
analysis: 분석 (the final _____)
announcement: 발표 (make an _____)
annual: 연례의 (_____ conference)
apparel: 의상
appliance: 기기 (home ____)
applicable: 적용되는* (____ sales tax)
applicant: 지원자
application: 지원(서)
apply: 지원하다, 적용되다 (The term was applied to)
appointment: 예약 (make an _______)
appraisal: 감정, 평가* (performance ______)
appreciation: 감사 (showed their ____ for)
apprehension: 불안감 (___ among the employees)
appropriately: 적절하게* (should dress _____ for the occasion)
approval: 승인* (the final ____)
approximately: 대략 (in ____ one hour)
arbitration: 중재 (_____ began)
argumentative: 논쟁적인 (became _____)
arrangement: 사전 준비 (make an _____)
assignment: 과제 (give an ______)
assistant: 비서, 보조 (an ____ to)
association: 연합 (in ____ with)
attached: 부착된* (the ____ form)
attendance: 참석* (the poorest ______ record)
attendant: 접대원 (a flight ____)
attendee: 참석자
attire: 의상* (formal _____; professional _____)
audit: 감사 (receive an _____)
authority: 권위자 (the authority in the field)
authorization: 허가 (with written _____)
automated: 자동화된* (the ____ assembly line)
available: 주어진, 쓸 수 있는 (is readily _____ upon request)
awards: 상 (_____ ceremony)
barely: 겨우 (with _____ eight weeks left)
barring: 제외하면 (_____ extreme fluctuations)
beautification: 미화* (city ______ project)
benefits: 혜택 (_____ package; salary and _____)
boost: 활성화하다 (____ sales of the product)
branch: 지사 (____ office)
breakage: 파손 (to prevent any _____)
broaden: 넓히다 (____ the research into a few areas)
brochure: 소책자 (a very informative and interesting ______)
budget: 예산 (_____ proposal)
cancellation: 취소 (is subject to ______)
candidate: 후보 (the most qualified _____)
cash: 현금화하다 (_____ a check)
capable: 능력 있는 (_____ of)
capacity: 용량* (storage ______)
caution: 주의/주의를 주다 (with ______; must _____ young students)
cautiously: 신중하게* (_____ optimistic)
certain: 확실한 (X make certainly that)
certificate: 증서 (a _____ of authenticity)
chemical: 화학(품) (X chemist producing company)
child-proof: 어린이 안전용 (_____ safety lock)
choice: 선택한 것 (your ____ of soup)
cite: 인용하다. (____ employee satisfaction as)
clear: 맑은 (on a ____ day)
closer: 더욱 더 정밀한 (upon _____ examination)
cognizant 인식하는 (be _____ of)
collaborate: 협력하다. (_____ on)
collate: 대조하다 (_____ their thoughts)
collection: 소장품, 수집품* (museum ______; ceramic tile collection)
collectively: 집합적으로
commensurate: 비례하는 (remuneration ____ with their experience)
commercial: 방송광고
commitment: 서약, 책임감 (a lack of ______)
commodity: 기초 물품 (____ prices)
commuter: 통근자
comparable: 비교할 만한 (____ to)
comparison: 비교 (in ____ with: 비교하여)
compatible: 호환성 있는 (____ with)
compensate: 보상하다 (____ for the injury)
competition: 경쟁(사)
complacent: 게으른 (become _____)
complimentary: 무료의 (____ light breakfast)
complex: 복잡한; 시설단지 (a ____ process; sports ____)
comply: 순응하다 (____ with the building codes)
comprehensive: 종합적인 (a _____ guide to the region)
concerning: ~에 관한
concurrently: 동시에 (The product and packaging are ____ developed)
condense: 압축하다, 요약하다. (____ the book/file into)
confident: 확신 있는 (____ in)
confidentiality: 기밀 (______ agreement)
confirmation: 확인 (written ______)
confiscate: 압수하다. (____ the stolen property)
conjunction: 결합 (in _____ with)
conscious: 의식하는 (____ of)
consecutively: 연속적으로
consent: 동의 (with a written _____)
considerable: 상당한 (_____ amount)
consistently: 지속적으로*
consult: 조회하다. (Please, ______ the product manual)
contact: 연락하다. (Please, ______ the customer service center)
continually: 계속 (are _____ dumping pollutants)
contribution: 공헌, 기부금 (make ____ to)
control: 통제 (beyond ______: 어쩔 수 없는)
convenience: 편의 (for your ______)
cooperatively: 협조하여 (work ______)
cordially: 진심으로 (You are ____ invited)
correspondence: 서신 연락 (the business _____ on this matter)
corrosion: 부식 (resistant to ______)
cost-effective: 저렴한* (____ method)
costly: 값 비싼 (a ____ item)
coverage: 적용, 보도 (media _____; insurance ______)
conveyed: 전달된 (The information should be ________ to)
criticism: 비평 (sharp ______)
currently: 현재 (is ____ under construction)
custody: 구금 (taken into _____)
damaged: 파손된 (____ luggage)
dedicated: 헌신적인; 전용이 (a ____ worker; ____ telephone lines)
dedication: 헌신
defects: 결함
defiance: 대항하여 (in ____ of)
defy: 배반하다 (____ description: 형용할 수 없는)
demand: 수요 (much _____ for cars; ___ for seats at the seminar)
demanding: 까다로운 (an overly _____ supervisor)
demoralized: 사기가 저하된. (employees were very _______)
deposit: 입금, 예치금 (security ____: 보증금; make a _____)
description: 설명, 묘사 (for more extensive _____ of the product)
designated:지정된 (____ seats: 지정석)
desirous: 갈망하는 (is _____ of)
detailed: 상세한 (for more ____ information)
deteriorating: 약화되는 (deteriorating conditions)
development: 개발 (all phases of project _______)
differently: 다르게 (____ colored patterns)
dignitary: 유명인사 (the local ____)
dilute: 희석시키다
discretion: 판단 (at the ____ of)
disperse: 흩어지다 (_____ the crowd/population)
diversify: 다각화하다 (The conglomerate decided to ______)
divided: 나눠진 (is ____ into)
dividends 수익 배당금 (paying _____ on its common stock.
division: 부서* (automobile _____)
donate: 기부하다 (____ money/blood)
dramatically: 급격히* (increase ______)
drape: 천으로 덮다 (_____ the table)
duplicate: 사본 2통 (in _____)
durable: 내구성 있는 (_____ goods; a very ____ material)
effect: 효과, 효력 (come/go into _____)
efficiently: 효율적으로* (as ______ as possible)
effective: 효과적인 (an ___ sales campaign)
effort: 노력 (in an ____ to)
electronically: 이메일로, 전신으로 (sent ______)
eligible: 자격이 되는 (be _____ to 부정사; be ______ for 명사)
emphasis: 강조 (place an ____ on)
enable: 가능하게 하다* (____ A to 부정사)
enclosed: 동봉된, 지붕이 덮인 (The shopping center is _____)
endangered: 멸종위기의 (_____ species)
engraved: 새겨진 (A watch ____ with your intials)
enhance: 향상시키다
entitled: 자격이 되는 (____ to 명사)
enthusiasm: 열정 (with such _____ that)
equip: 설치하다* (A with B)
escort: 수행하다 (She will ____ you to ~)
estimated: 예상되는 (the _____ time of arrival)
exactly: 정확히 (to decide _____)
exception: 예외 (with the ______ of)
exceptional: 이례적인 (show an _____ job performance)
excitedly: 흥분되어 (spoke _____ about)
exclusively: 전적으로, 제한적으로 (_____ for today's busy executives)
existing: 기존에 있는 (make use of the ____ facilities)
expansion: 확장 (business ______ plan)
expansive: 광범위한* (an _____ view of the landscape)
expectation: 기대하는 바* (The _____ is that S+V)
expedite: 신속화하다 (to ____ the handling of your call)
expense: 비용 (at the owner's _____)
experience: 경험하다 (If you ____ any problem with)
expiration: 만기, 만료 (the _____ date)
exposure: 노출 (too much ____ to sunlight)
extend: 연장하다 (____ the deadline)
extensively: 대대적으로 (was _____ renovated)
extinction: 멸종 (are in danger of ______)
extremely: 극도로 (be ____ careful)
evacuate: (건물 등을) 비우다, 대피하다
e-valuation: 평가 (_____ card; course _____s)
eventually: 결국에는 (will _____ need to be modernized)
fabric: 천 (a soft ____)
faced: 직면된 (Faced with)
factions: 당파들 (split into a number of rival _____)
familiarize: 익숙하게 하다 (familiarize A with B)
fascinated: 매혹된 (with)
favorable: 유리한 (____ weather condition)
favorably: 우호적으로 (has bee received _____)
feats: 위업들
feature: 특징, 기능, 특별히 선보이다. (will ____ a report on)
finally: 결국* (have ____ been)
findings: 발견한 사실들 (was consistent with his findings)
finished: 완성된 (the _____ product)
fiscal: 회계의 (____ year; ____ responsibility)
fitness: 헬스 (physical _____ program)
flexibility: 융통성, 유연성 (X the flexible of)
focus: 초접을 맞추다 (will ____ our study on~)
forecast: 전망 (a long-term economic _____; the local weather _____)
formal: 공식의 (____ dinner)
forfeit: 몰수당하다
foreseeable: 내다보이는 (in the _____ future)
fortunate: 행운의
foster: 육성하다 (___ good relations between A and B)
freshness: 신선함* (retain _____ and flavor)
further: 추후의, 추가적인 (until ____ notice)
gauge: 측정하다 (____ the reaction of the consumers)
gratuity: 팁 (standard _____)
grandeur: 웅장함 (former _____)
guidelines: 지침사항들 (within the _____)
handle: 다루다 (cannot ____ the workload)
hardly: 거의 ~하지 않는다. (He ____ ever comes to the meeting)
hazardous: 위험한 (is ____ to your health)
heavily: 많이 (rely ____ on; will rain ____ tomorrow)
hesitantly: 우물쭈물 (rather _____)
highly: 매우 (____ competitive market; ____ successful careers)
honor: 명예 (in ___ of)
identification:신분 (two forms of proper _____)
immediate: 직속 (______ supervisor)
imperative: 중요한* (It is ____ that S+동사원형)
implement: 실행하다. (will _____ changes)
improve: 개선시키다. (_____ customer relations)
inaugurate: 개시하다* (____ the route between A and B)
incidental: 부가적인 (_____ expenses)
inconvenience: 불편한 것 (what is seen as _____ by one culture)
inclement: 매서운 (_____ weather)
incompetent: 무능한 (an ____ employee)
inconsistent: 불일치의 (is _____ with)
increasingly: 점점 더
indicated: 명시된, 표시된 (as _____ on the chart)
indication: 표시, 징표 (a good _____ of)
inform: 통보하다
informative: 교육적인* (is both _____ and interesting)
informed: 박식한* (____ decision; _____ readers)
inherently: 본질적으로 (_____ risky business)
initial: 약식서명하다 (should _____ the time cards)
initiative: 솔선수범 (take the _____)
innovative: 혁신적인 (a fresh and _____ idea)
insert: 삽입하다. (___ your card into the electronic reader)
install: 설치하다
installments: 할부 (금액) (three easy monthly ______)
intended: 의도된 (is ____ for publication)
interested: 관심이 있는 (be ______ in)
interpretation: 해석 (the _____ of the authorities in the field)
interfere: 방해하다* (Dust can ____ with)
involved: 관여된* (____ in)
irrelevant: 무관한 (is ____ to us)
itinerary: 일정 (travel _____)
juvenile: 미성년의 (a _____ crime)
labor: 노동; 일하다 (who ____ed outdoors)
lag: 처지다; 지체 (____ behind the schedule; suffering from a jet ___)
largely: 주로 (due ____ to)
lasting: 지속되는 (leave a _____ impression; have a ____ effect on))
launch: 시작하다 (____ a new sales campaign)
lawsuit: 소송 (to file a ______)
lax: 느슨한 (be ____ in)
lease: 임대하다* (____ a car)
level: 단계, 위치 (he rose to the ____ of the vice president)
likely: 확률이 있는* (it is _____ that; is ___ to)
limited: 제한된 (for a _____ time only)
live: 생방송의 (a ____ broadcast)
local: 지역의 (____ production; ____ high school)
locally: 지역적으로 (prefer to hire _____ than ~ overseas)
lucrative: 수익성이 있는 (a highly _____ business)
mandatory: 필수적인
maintenance: 유지관리 (a regular ____ schedule)
malfunction: 고장 (due to a mechanical ____)
mandatory: 필수의
marginal: 적은 양의 (there is only ____ interest in)
maximum: 최대량 (at the ______; ____ security)
means: 수단 (the preferred ____ of travel; by ____ of)
memoirs: 회고록 (published his ______)
merged: 합병된 (Once _____)
minimum: 최소량 (a ____ of)
misplaced: 잘못 두어진
missing: 분실된, 실종된 (____ luggage; _____ child)
modification: 수정 (make the necessary ______)
monopoly: 독점 (has a ____ on)
monitor: 감시하다 (should ____ the progress of each employee)
mounting: 가중되는 (____ pressure from the public)
mural: 벽화 (the _____ on the wall)
mutually: 상호간에 (reach a _____ beneficial solution)
narrow: 좁히다 (____ down the list of candidates to three)
needs: 욕구 (meet the _____)
negotiations: 협상들 (_____ are under way)
neutrality: 중립성 (her ______ was called into question)
nominate: 공천하다
normal: 정상의 (during the ____ business hours)
notice: 공고, 알아채다.* (X notify the paintings on the wall)
notification: 통보
notify: 통보하다* (___ A of B; ___ A that S+V)
numerous: 수많은 (____ attempts have been made)
objective: 목표 (the _____ of)
observance: 준수 (in _____ of the national holiday)
observe:준수하다 (___ the "no-smoking" sign:금연사인을 지키다)
offer: 제안, 특별 가격 제안 (a promotional _____)
onset: 시작하는 시접 (at the ____ of the game)
openings: 빈 자리 (job _____)
opposing: 상반된 (the ____ point of view)
optimistic: 낙관적인* (is _____ that S+V)
outfit: 의복 (put on a new ____)
outstanding: 뛰어난; 미지급된 (_____ qualifications; an ____ debt)
overcome: 극복하다 (____ this temporary difficulty)
overdue: 연체된 (The library book was 5 days _____)
overhead: 머리 위의 *(the ______ compartment)
participate: 참가하다 (___ in)
participation: 참여 (the _____ of each member)
particularly: 유난히 (are _____ small)
parties: 당사자들 (all interested _____ should contact)
perfect: 완벽한, 최적의 (is the _____ setting for)
periodical: 정기간행물 (____ section)
permit: 허가증 (To purchase a parking _____)
personal: 개인의 (_____ checks)
personally: 개인적으로 (The president ____ welcomed)
persuasively: 설득력 있게 (present arguments ______)
phase: 단계 (at the last _____ of the construction)
portion: 부분, 몫 (this ____ of the city)
potential: 가능한; 가능성 (______ customers/bidders; a full ______)
precipitation: 강수 (temperature and _____ data)
preclude: 사전에 막다
predict: 예상하다 (X many predicts)
premium: 할증금 (insurance _____)
prescription: 처방 (fill the _____)
present: 주다 (will ____ a plaque and a check to)
presiding: 주재하는 (the _____ officer/judge)
presumably: 추측컨대
pre-valent: 널리 퍼진 (once so _____ in this province)
primarily: 주로 (made ____ of plastic)
print: 인쇄 (out of ____:절판된)
priority: 우선순위 (the highest ______)
procedure: 절차 (X the required procedural)
proceeding: 진행되다 (The work was ____ as scheduled)
processing: 처리 (for _____ processing)
procrastinate: 게으름을 피우다.
production: 생산(량) (good _____ facilities)
productivity: 생산성 (employee ______)
prohibited: 금지된
promotion: 승진 (He received a ______)
promptly: 신속히 (must be answered _____)
properly: 올바르게 (must be ____ aligned; to function _____)
prospective: 잠재 (_______ buyer/client/customer)
prosperity: 번영 (in times of _____)
protective: 보호용 (____ clothing; ____ equipment)
provide: 제공하다 (A with B)
provision: 대비 (make ____ for)
proxy: 대리인 (You can send your _____ instead)
punitive: 징벌의 (in _____ damages)
qualified: 자격이 되는 (is the better ____ of the two; ____ applicants)
quality: 품질 (____ control: 품질관리)
quarterly: 사분기의 (the _____ earnings report)
raise: 인상(하다); 제기하다 (a pay ____; ___ questions about)
rarely: 거의 ~ 못하다 (____ has the situation been~)
reach: 도달하다 (____ an agreement)
realistically: 현실적으로 (cannot _____ expect)
readily:기꺼이 (___ available: 기꺼이 사용 가능한)
recall: 회수 (issue a ____ notice)
recently: 최근에 (according to a ____ issued government report)
reception: 접대 (at the ______ )
recommendation: 추천 (on the _____ of)
reference: 참조 (in ____ to)
redeemable: 상환 가능한
reduction: 감소* (cost _____)
reference: 참고, 추천 (in _____ to; a letter of ______)
refund: 환불 (a ___ refund: 전액환불)
regarding: ~에 관한
regretably: 후회스럽게도 (we must ____ inform you that S+V)
regular: 정규의 (____ banking hours)
reimbursement: 배상 (request a _____ for; monthly _____)
request: 요구* (All ____ must be made)
required: 필수의 (a ____ tax doc-ument)
released: 발표된 (a recently released press report)
reliable: 믿을 만한* (is completely _____)
remainder: 나머지 (for the ____ of the month)
remittance: 송금 (a _____ slip)
remuneration: 보상, 보수 (will give some _____ to)
rendered: 되다 (was ____ useless)
repair: 수리(하다) (the cost of _____)
replace: 교체하다 (A with B)
relatively: 상대적으로 (_____ speaking,)
required: 필수의 (the ____ tax doc-uments)
reservation: 예약 (make a ____)
resignation: 사임 (the _____ of the personnel director)
respect: 존중심* (with _____)
respond: 응답하다 (_____ promptly to the client's request)
response: 응답 (in _____ to)
responsibility: 책임* (environmental and social ______)
responsive: 반응을 보이는 (is ____ to)
restore: 재건하다, 복원되다 (____ to its original condition)
result: 결과 (as a ____ of)
retirement: 은퇴 (a _____ party/banquet; early ______)
retrie-val: 복구 (the information _____ system)
reveal: 공개하다 (reveal a strong preference for)
revenues: 수입 (tax ____ over three years)
revised: 개정된* (_____ edition; _____ premium rate)
revolution: 혁명 (caused a ______; a cultural ____)
rich: 풍부한 (a ____ source of information)
rise: 상승; 상승하다 (the ____ in the oil price; on the ____)
risk: 위험률 (run a ____ of; ___ premium 위험수당)
rival: 경쟁자; 경쟁상대의
salary: 급여 (____ history: 연봉 경력)
satisfaction: 만족* (customer ______)
satisfactory: 만족스런 (a ____ excuse/outcome)
savings: 저축 (____ banks)
scrutinize: 면밀히 조사하다 (_____ the vase)
securely: 안전하게* (must be _____ fastened/anchored)
seldom: 거의 ~않는다. (He ____ comes to the regular meeting)
selection: 엄선된 것들 (includes only a _____ of those retailers who)
separately: 따로 (Each lens is made _____)
service: 서비스* (customer _____ desk)
settlement: 합의 (finally reached a ______)
severely: 심하게 (will be _____ reprimanded for)
share: 몫, 주식, 점유율 (market _____)
significantly: 상당히 (increased ______)
simply: 단순히 (_____ too few; ____ fill out the enclosed form)
skilled: 숙련된 (a ____ labor)
slightly: 약간 (is ____ higher than)
sophisticated: 정교한 (a _____ equipment)
speeding: 과속 (was ticketed for _____)
specific: 구체적인 (for more _____ information)
spending: 지출 (the development ______)
sponsor: 후원자; 후원하다
stable: 안정적인 (remained _____)
staff: 스탭진 (X all staffs)
standards: 기준 (safety _____)
stir: 휘젓다 (thoroughly ____ the mixture)
stock: 물량 (out of ____)
stockholder: 주주 (the company's _____)
strategic: 전략적인 (a _____ objective of the company)
strategy: 전략 (a creative advertising ___; an effective marketing ___)
streamline: 간소화하다.
striking: 놀라운 (_____ difference between them)
strongly: 강력히 (it is _____ recommended that S+V)
subject:* 가능한* (is ____ to change)
subscription: 구독 cf. subscribe to ~에 구독하다.
substantial: 상당한 (a ____ amount of)
successful: 성공적인 (X to highly successive careers)
sufficiently: 충분히
superior: 월등한 (is ____ to)
sure: 확실한* (X make surely that)
surprise: 놀람 (taken by ____)
surprisingly: 놀랍게도 (is ____ low in fat)
surrounding: 둘러싼* (in the ______ area)
suspicious 의심하는 (be _____ of)
tax: 세금 (sales ____ on)
telecommunications: 정보통신 (______ industry)
tentative: 임시의 (discussing a _____ agreement)
temporarily: 일시적으로 (was ____ suspended; is ____ closed)
terms: 용어들 (in the strongest possible ____)
timely: 적기의 (in a ____ manner)
toll: 요금 (____ collection: 요금 징수)
transaction: 거래 (was charged for each ____)
transcribe: 받아 적다 (had her ____ the minutes)
transfer: 전근 (put in for a _____: 전근을 신청하다)
transferable: 양도 가능한 (The tickets are not _____ to)
unanimous: 만장일치의 (a ____ support/decision)
unbiased: 편견 없는 (an ____ opinion/advice)
understanding: 이해심이 많은 (for being so ______)
updated: 개정된 (____ report/edition/manual)
unlimited: 무제한의 (____ mileage/access)
unoccupied: 차지된 (remained ______)
unusually: 이례적인 (____ high staff turnover)
user-friendly: 사용이 편리한 (_____ computer software)
vacant: 비어 있는 (X vacancy lot)
valuables: 귀중품 (Do not leave any ______ unattended)
vary: 다양하게 변하다. (the results may _____ depending on~)
varied: 다양한
ventilation: 환기 (good ______)
vested: 기득의 (___ interest: 기득권)
voluntarily: 자원해서
waiver: 면제 (request a _____)
wane: 쇠퇴 (on the _____)
warranty: 보증 (comes with a limited five-year ______)
willing: 의지가 있는 (is ____ to help; ____ to buy)
workload: 업무량 (a heavy _____)
written: 서면 상의 (a ____ confirmation/notification)
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